Office Closure

Due to the eclipse, on Monday, August 21, 2017 the HomeSource office will close at noon for the remainder of the day. We will reopen on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 8 am. If you have a maintenance issue, please…  Read more

Ready to rent? Here’s what you should know:

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2016 more than 111 million Americans lived in rental homes. More than 33 percent of people who pay rent to landlords or property managers are 30-44 years old; in fact, they make up…  Read more

Dog Days of Summer: How to keep your home cool and save money!

July has arrived!  And with it, the heat!  The Department of Energy has some helpful tips on how to keep your home cool and conserve energy and save money at the same time! Simple and inexpensive actions can help you…  Read more

Homesource offices closed on July 4th!

  In observance of the July 4th holiday, HomeSource offices will be closed, Tuesday, July 4, 2017.  We will reopen on Wednesday July 5th at 8 am. Residents with maintenance requests, please call 865-970-7777 Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

June is National Homeownership Month! Dare to own the dream!

A four-point strategy to revive homeownership It’s not looking good for homeownership these days. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 63.7 percent of households owned their homes at the end of 2016, down from a peak of 69.2 percent in…  Read more

Why Community Development Matters

  The latest data from Washington suggest the economy is growing. It is, but it’s growing at an uneven pace around the country. East Tennessee has been fortunate due in part to the comprehensive community development work that HomeSource east…  Read more