Celebrate Five Points! Logo Contest

Five Points Community members, 5PointsUp, Carpetbag Theater, Talking with T and First AME Zion Church in partnership with HomeSource east tennessee is hosting a Five Points Logo Design contest. This collaboration group is working to support community pride within the Five Points area. The purpose of this contest is to Celebrate Five Points!
The winning logo will be used on Banners and street signs throughout the community, in local business to display pride in Five Points, and on large signs throughout the neighborhood.
This contest is open to anyone that lives, works, plays or prays in the Five Point Community. There will be winners selected in several categories. Voting by the community will take place on Saturday April 16 from 10 – noon at Walter Hardy Park. The winner will be announced in a ceremony the same day at 1 pm.
Award categories: Inspiration for the design of the logo should reflect the essence of the Five Points Community (past, present or future).
• Best Overall design
• Best design by youth under 13
• Best design by youth 14-18
• Best Historic design

Logo Submission Requirements:
The logo design should:
• Be simple and visible from a distance
• Have a maximum of three colors
• Use positive and appropriate language
• Be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 paper or electronically in .jpeg or .pdf
All entries must be submitted no later than noon on April 22, 2016.
Entries may be dropped off at the following locations:
• HomeSource east tennessee (109 Winona St between 8 am and 4:30 pm M-F)
• Project Grad Office (700 E. Hill Ave., Suite 100, 8 am – 5 pm)
• Phyllis Wheatley YWCA (124 S. Cruze St. 10 am – 6:30 pm)
• EV Davidson Community Center (3124 Wilson Ave)
Or mailed to: HomeSource east tennessee
Attn: Logo Design Contest
109 Winona St., Knoxville, TN 37917

Electronic submissions can be emailed to:

Please submit your design with the attached entry sheet.
If you have any additional questions, please call 865-637-1679, ask for Chris at ext 232 or Rhonda at ext. 242
We look forward to seeing your designs!
logo contest submission

Community Members and staff
Tanisha Baker
Sarah Bounse
Rhonda Clay (staff)
Terrace Holloway-Smith
Rev. Michael McNair
Michelle Neal
Chris Osborn (staff)
Josh Outsey

Financial Support for this program was provided by the East Tennessee Foundation through CNS y-12. Thank you to our funders for making this program possible!